Friday, July 5, 2013

The Theorist and Theory Development

Video 1

In this video the following points will be discussed:

1. Biography and Introduction
2. Beginnings of Her Theory
3. Theory Methodology
4. Concept of Acquisition

The Discussion:

Sister Letty Kuan on Graceful Aging……
Admiration to this Legend is an understatement, Graceful Aging is not only a theory for Nursing but a theory for Life .It is so amazing to realize that Nursing can cross barriers of profession, race ,age  and touch people’s lives .The interview was so commendable ,it was realistic ,timeless and true.  She was able to share not just the theory but WISDOM; you can feel that it was a lifetime worth of experiences The Legend herself showed the true essence of the theory, brought in the true meaning of Graceful Aging.

More so, The Theory of Graceful Aging was brought to….. L I F E………
The interview showed the passion of Sister Letty Kuan to know “what will make people happy during retirement”, well according to our Legend; the first phase of the theory was her dissertation which is retirement and role discontinuities. It took her over 20 years to develop the theory .She gave retreats  and conferences to all types of people in different professions like religious, patients, nurses ,doctors and guidance counselors.

Theory Methodology
To make a theory you need to have an idea. “What do you want to find out?” For Sister Letty Kuan she was always interested with old people. She would like to see how people cope with the aging process. It was a long process, that brought her to meet even the ones that at retirement became lonely, board and sometimes crazy. She wants to find out how many people who are retired but functioning well, happy and coping well and on the downside “What makes retirement Sad, Drastic and painful. When people after retirement goes down, regret it and soon after dies.
She studied the two groups of insurances SSS and GSIS and found out variables that made Retirement
HAPPY….It is good health, income, support /partner, education and resources. Then the next question came “where are these coming from?”
This where the Framework of Life was formulated:      


Concept of Acquisition
Graceful Aging begins not just from conception but from the beginning of the parent’s courtship, marriage and love, then the birth of the child, different stages of life until the time of Adulthood and Retirement. A good conception and pregnancy matters most to the outcome of the child, She believes it’s all those happy and positive feelings that the mother has during pregnancy that can easily be transmitted to the child, also creating a happy home and showing love, care and attention to your child now, when they are growing up, creates the happy, content and positive people someday. A good Acquisition in childhood like good education will provide good experiences and a solid formation that will equip you to withstand the struggles in life. Like a good courtship and marriage with help you hold on to the vows of marriage and stay strong during the trying times. Lastly LEGACY …. When do you attain Legacy? It is when you had formed people if you are a teacher., whatever you acquire from childhood including through formative years you will carry them to Adulthood and in Adulthood you must have possess the Radiance of Acquisition. In her example how do you see a Good Nurse ,who can give good care ,full of confidence ,calm and collected because she is equipped .A good nurse went through a good training, a real training in a real clinical field and acquired knowledge and experiences that can help her in her practice. In Old age, a person must show a Radiance of Acquisition, it is the culmination of all experiences and knowledge you had acquired through the years. Plenty of knowledge wisdom and Wit to share.
With a very happy childhood, a meaningful midlife will successfully lead you to GRACEFUL AGING…….
It was very well said.

By Laarni Sarad